martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

Contractions of "will" and "going to"

Now that you know the uses of "will" and "going to" you have to know the contractions of them
A contraction is when words are shortened. examples of contractions are:
It/he/she is----->It's/he's/she's
They/we/you are---->They're/we're/you're
I am---->I'm
got to---->gotta
see you---->cya

Lot's of contractions are only for informal use like "gotta" or "cya" this means you're not supposed to tell your boss "cya later!" or use them in any formal situations, but most of this contractions are for any use.
Now, "will" has a contraction which is "'ll" for example:
I will go surfing---->I'll go surfing

He will play the guitar tonight---->He'll play the guitar tonight

and so on...She'll/it'll/we'll/They'll/you'll.

"Going To" has an informal contraction which is "gonna", technically is writing how "going to" sounds when you say it fast, try it yourself, say "going to" as fast as you can 10 times and you'll see!
I'm going to win the race----> I'm gonna win the race

She's going to marry me!----> She's gonna marry me!

and so on...

Now you're going to make a dialog in pairs in which you'll have to use "will" and "going to". The dialog must have at least 2 predictions and 3 future plans, and at least 2 of them must have the contracted form of "will" and "going to".

Good luck!

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